Tabitha’s Book

Anxiety, I’m Not Your Bitch.

Author of “Anxiety, I’m Not Your Bitch.” Anxiety and panic attacks used to defeat me. I spent several years seeking answers and went on a healing journey of my own.

In my book, I get vulnerable and share my story along with mindset tools that can help you take charge of your life and get your power BACK!

It’s time to start thriving! I want to help you achieve the life you desire!

About Anxiety, I’m Not Your Bitch.

In these modern times, it is next to impossible to traverse an entire human life and not be touched by anxiety. To deny this is so un-human it actually raises concern. Listing out what induces anxiety is useless. A more effective corroboration would be a question. Have you ever struggled with anxiety?

Modern life has become increasingly more complicated with no sign of slowing down. Sometimes it can feel like an anxiety triggering machine to which burnout is inevitable if not met with something to counteract it. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 63% of adults who suffer from anxiety DO NOT get treatment.

Although heartbreaking, this stat makes sense. Treatment for anxiety has been misunderstood and commonly seen as being embarrassing, time-consuming, confusing, and expensive. Somewhat true because when priorities and responsibilities get weighed out, society’s habit is to pressure us to shove our emotions under a rug and get back to work. Current world events have exacerbated this. What once was an annoying thing we could plow through with a bit of grit has accelerated into a force that has the potential to destroy lives if ignored for too long. Tabitha Sampson knows this first hand.

After years of ignoring her anxiety symptoms, she developed chronic panic attacks that robbed her of life. After a healing journey that started with vulnerability and continues today with determination, Tabitha decided to give what worked for her to a world that has never needed it more. She wanted to give everyone the chance to say…

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